Wednesday, 29 November 2017



Paralysis and Heart Attack both are very dangerous to prevent from any of the diseases i am suggesting a good home made remedy.


(1) Cinnamon            (Hindi Name-Dallchini)----------10 Gram

(2) Pepper                  (Hindi Name-Kalimirch)---------10 Gram

(3) Cassia                   (Hindi Name-Teejpatta)----------10 Gram

(4) Rock Sugar          (Hindi Name-Misri)---------------10 Gram

(5) Walnut Kernel     (Hindi Name-Akhrot Giri--------10 Gram  

(6) Magaz Seed          (Hindi Name-Magaj Seed--------10 Gram

(7) Flax Seed              (Hindi Name-Alsi-----------------10 Gram

Collect all the ingredients and grind well in a grinder. Then divide into equl 10 parts that is around 7 gram each dose. Take 1 dose daily with slightly warm water in the morning 1 hour before breakfast for seven days. 


It will clear all the body veins from head to sole of your feet. The person who had this remedy never die with Heart Attack or Palaysis. 

If you find this remedy is useful for yours dears and nears my humble request to all the readers of my post please share the same who are in need. 

Sunday, 26 November 2017




The heart is a hollow muscle in the middle of the chest that pumps blood around the body, supplying cells with oxygen and nutrients. A muscular wall, called the septum, divides the heart lengthways into left and right sides. A valve divides each side into two chambers: an upper atrium and a lower ventricle.when the heart muscle contracts, it squeezes blood through the atria and then through the ventricles. Oxygenated blood from the lungs flows from the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, through the left ventricle, and then out via the aorta to all parts of the body. Deoxygenated blood returning from the body flows from the vena cava into the right atrium, through the right ventricle, and then out via the pulmonary artery to the lungs for reoxygenation. At rest the heart beats between 60 and 80 times a minute; during exercise or at times of stress or excitement the rate may increase to 200 beats a minute.

Peepal tree, Pipal, Sacred banyan tree, Sacred fig, Bo-tree, Ashwattha tree

This Peepal tree is very useful to get prepared a homeopathic or home made remedy that works for heart patients. Its remedy is very easy to prepare and almost free.

How to get ready home made remedy using Peepal Leaf 

Take 15 to 20 Peepal Leaf that should be mature enough & groaned. Then cut the upper and lower part of each leaf then clean all the leafs with clean water.

Now take 1 glass of water and keep it at oven to boil and let it boil up to the stage that 1/3 of total solution should remains.

Now keep it to cool down and store at a cool place may be in fridge or any other palce that should be cool. Now your home made remedy is ready to take.

This 1/3 glass of solution should be divided into three equal doses and can take at an interval of 3 hours.

In case any person got attacked after passing some days give the same remedy to the person  for 15 days continue. After completion of this treatment there no chance of next heart attack. I recommend to the heart patient should take this home made and free remedy to avail benefit.

Note: (1) Before taking this remedy stomach should not completely empty.
         (2) During treatment should stop fried, fish, rice, Non-veg, Alcohal, Smoking

One of my request to all the readers kindly share this blog/post to all of your near and dears because heart treatment is very expensive in all the world. There are many people on the earth who can not bear the same, so please in favor of humanity our duty to spread this useful information who are badly in need for the same. 

Monday, 20 November 2017



Role of Kidney in our body & cleaning by using Parsley(Cilantro)       
There is very important role of kidney in our body that is cleaning of blood. Years pass by and our kidneys are    filtering the blood. It extract all the waste like salt, poison from blood and balance body fluids and achieve the right level of electrolyte.    

Whole day all of blood of body passes through each kidney several time. There are many tiny holes in kidney through those holes it filter blood. In case of blocking of those tiny holes kidney stop filtering of blood and it reach to a critical condition. In some cases you could not be aware if your kidneys are working less that 10%. All of a sudden people come to know that kidneys are not working properly and due to failure of kidney may cause of sudden death.

The urinary system filters waste products from the blood and removes them from the body via a system of tubes. Blood is filtered in the two kidneys, which are fist-sized, bean-shaped organs. The renal arteries carry blood to the kidneys; the renal veins remove blood after filtering. Each kidney contains about one million tiny units called nephrons. Each nephron is made up of a tumble and a filtering unit called a glomerulus, which consists of a collection of tiny blood vessels surrounded by the hollow bowman's capsule. The filtering process produces a watery fluid that leaves the kidney as urine. The urine is carried via two tubes called ureters to the bladder, where it is stored until its release from the body through another tube called the urethra.

Natural Remedy for Kidney Cleaning

Kidney cleaning is very easy first  take a bunch of parsley (Cilantro) clean it wash it properly. Then cut it into small pieces and put the same into pot and pour clean water then boil the same from around 10 minutes. Let it be cool down, filter it and keep in a bottle and store it inside a refrigerator.

Drink daily one glass of this solution and you yourself notice that all the poison, salt and other waste coming out of your kidney through urine. After some days of this treatment by self made cleaning remedy you will notice difference which you never feel before.

This is very effective remedy helpful to clean whole blood of body please the same with others who need it.

Saturday, 18 November 2017



What is Herbal?

The word herbal came from herb, means herbs are many kind of plants using the part of these plants like flowers,seeds leafs trunk, even the roots of many plants very useful to get made herbal medicines. Herb based supplements are very useful and effective for human body. Too much of plants we eat for living being in different form. Using of many kinds of plants to treat illness and making drugs to achieve good health. There are many kinds of herbal plants even many kind of trees which gives us very use full material to make herbal medicines.

Today I am starting to give you some useful remedies using herbal and natural material.

(1) Best Diabetes Treatment 100% Effective Without Side Effect & Easy to Get Ready

           There was a Supreme Judge from Saudia Arabia Mr.Shaikh Mohammed Tojeri  Hifzullah 

has created this very effective and with no side effect remedy for diabetic patient with the grace of God. You must use this remedy and forward to all those are needed its very cheep and almost very cost effective.

Ingredient of remedy are as follows:

(a) Wheat Seeds(Hindi Nmae Genhu)-----------------------100 Gram

(b) Natural Edible Gum(Hindi Name Gond)---------------100 Gram

(c) Barley(Hindi Name Joo)----------------------------------100 Gram

(d) Black Seed(Hindi Name Kalonji)-----------------------100 Gram

All the ingredients above given boil with 5 cup full cup of water up 10 minutes. Now let it be cool and filtered it. Store this solution in a glass bottle.

Way of use

Early in the morning before break fast take 1 cup daily for 7 days. After seven days take 1 cup alternate days. After passing this second week stop this medicine. Now eat whatever you like. This remedy will give you full relief and will remove diabeties from its root.
Please forward this post to all your dears, nears and known to you so that maximum human being can get benifit using this almost very cheep and approachable formula.