Tuesday, 29 May 2018


Common name: COMFREY 

Alternative common name(s) KNITBONE 



Part used: Leaves and roots

Constituents and uses: Comfrey is the most useful of the healing remedies. It's constituents include astringent tannins, soothing mucilage, resin and a substance called allantoin. This has the ability to stimulate the growth of new cells, by speeding up the rate of which DNA, the 'blueprint' of the cell, is produced: after the stage, all other parts of the cell follow automatically. The leaves can be taken internally for stomach and duodenal ulcers, where the tannins and mucilage help calm any inflammation; the allantoin will heal the eroded area. This remedy is also appropriate for chest problems such as bronchitis where it has a soothing and healing action.
Externally the root or leaves can be used as a poultice over any clean wound, or deeper problem such as tendon and ligament damage. Traditionally it has been used to heal broken bones- the poultice dries to a very hard consistency, providing valuable support in the days before plasters casts were available.
The ointment can be used regularly in place of poultice - it is a very useful part of every home's first-aid-kit for minor injuries.

CAUTION: Concern has been expressed over the safety of taking Comfrey internally, due to a constituent alkaloid which is known to be toxic. Experiments using the isolated alkaloid have shown. It to be damaging to the liver. Although there has never been any evidence of the whole herb causing similar damage, I must advise caution in its use. If you are considering using the herb internally, contact a qualified herbalist for advise.
At present, Comfrey is still legally available as a loose herb, but it may be withdrawn from licensed herbal medicines (those formulations that are available over the counter in health shops) in the future.
There are no restrictions on using Comfrey externally - it is totally safe when applied to the skin.

Common name: CUDWEED, MARSH 



Part used: Leaves and stems

Constituents and uses: This plants help in nasal and throat catarrh. It is though to contain small amounts of volatile oil and tannins which enhance its beneficial properties; it can be taken as an infusion, both as a gargle or as a drink, 3 times a day. Severe throat infections such as tonsillitis and quinsy usually respond well, but are best treated by CUDWEED in combination with other astringent and anti- infective remedies.

Common name: DAMIANA

Botanical name: TURNERA DIFFUSA


Part used: Leaves and stems

Constituents and uses: This remedy is reputed to be a male aphrodisiac, though in my opinion there is no one simple medicinal solution to the range of problems that may cause difficulties in sexual function. It has an action on the male reproductive system similar to that of the male hormone testosterone, which will enhance sexual function if the problems are of a purely physical nature. It certainly is of great benefit in nervous problems such as anxiety and depression. It has a combined tonic and almost nutritional effect on nerve tissue, due to the combination of constituents: bitters, tannin, resins, oils, and alkaloids, including caffeine. Both sexes will benefit  from this action. It can be taken as an infusion 3 times daily.


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  2. “I went over these posts and wished to share my experience using natural herbal medicine and a lifestyle change.

    As an ICU nurse with an amazing 38years old career, I know what a medical miracle is. For no reason, I have never liked herbal medicines until I witnessed a confirmed HIV positive patient test result reversed to HIV negative after conducting more tests on him which all came back HIV negative.

    Back then many experts who saw the test results gave different suggestions to their best understanding and why it was possible or impossible. But to me, it was nothing more than a medical miracle.

    I scrutinized him and found out he has been cured with herbal medicine which a physician have prepared for him.

    I also suffered from GENITAL HERPES back then which was the primary reason that has made me remain single and my biggest secret that has made me understand life in the best way I should.

    Through this abovementioned person who had been cured of HIV, I contacted this physician who permanently cured me GENITAL HERPES with herbal medicine and also cured a PSORIASIS patient with herbal medicine through me, and in all these tribulations and recovery phases, we conquered.

    The good news is that this physician is available on:
