Thursday, 14 December 2017



Though everyone knows something about Homeopathy, people don't normally knows enough about it even some well educated persons have misunderstandings about this science. It is sometimes claimed that there is mention of such a science in ancient Ayurveda where they have mentioned the medical cures that that have an oppsite effect, yet the present science of Homeopathy is the discovery of German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who was born on 10 April 1753 and breath his last in 1843.

     Dr. Hahnemann was born in the poor family of a painter of earthen pots at Mycaine in the Saxony State of Germany. A mastermind as he was, he succeeded in obtaining the highest degree of M.D. when he was only 24. He was appointed Civil Surgeon in the Dresden Hospital. After some time he started private practice near Leipzig, but he was not satisfied with the medical science preveling at that time and its method of treatment.

      It was in 1790 that ancient resulted in the discovery of Homeopathy by him. Dr Hahnemann while translating an English Materia Medica into German came the description of Cinchona, a plant from which is made QUININE and its other compounds.

      It was claimed that Cinchona is the surest remedy of malarial fever. Dr. Hahnamann also knew that, but it was also mention therein that indiscriminate use use of Cinchona produces symptoms similar to malaria. This point struck Dr. Hahnemann and to test the statement he used a decoction of Cinchona in large doses which produced symptoms of malarial fever in him.He began to think whether all the medicines in small doses cure the diseases or symptoms which they produced when taken in large doses. For six years he made experiments with about 300 medicines on his own person and in 1976 he confirmed and published that.


"Like Cure Like" is the basic Principle of Homeopathy. As soon as it was published, a revolution took place in the medical world. In 1810 he published his famous work Organon f Medicine, which is termed as the Bible of Homeopathy and clearly and logically explain the above principle.
        Now Dr. Hahnemann began to practice medicine according to newly discovered principle of "Like Cures Like." He was immensely successful in curing many so called chronic and incurable diseases. Many Physicians started working on the line suggested by him but quite a few became envious and tried to defame and discourage him. There came ups and down in Dr.Hahnemann's career but he remained strong in his conviction. During the last years of his life he had a roaring practice in Paris.
       As explained above , according to homeopathy , the curative power of a medicine depends upon its capacity to produce ailments or disease symptoms. For example, ARSENIC produces diarrhea, vomiting, extreme prostration, burning, unquenchable thirst,anguish. If these very symptoms occur in a patient without taking ARSENIC, they shall be cured by giving him ARSENIC,but in very minute doses.


This brings us to the second great principle of homeopathy - Minim Minimus, smaller the dose, better the rsult.

        To minimize the dose Dr. Hahnemann mixed the medicine with non-medicinal substances such as alcohol, distilled water or sugar of milk. By a special procedure not only the dose was minimized but it was also dynamised, i.e. as the molecules of the medicine were divided and subdivided, their curative power was increased. Though it was difficult to be explained in the days of Hahnemann, now it can be easily explained in accordance with the atomic theory. Hence the minimized doses, though termed dilutions in the early stages, were named as Potencies later on.

These Potencies were of two type: X Potency and C Potency. X Potencies are prepared by mixing well one part of the original medicine with 9 parts of Vehicle, i.e. alcohol or distilled water or sugar of milk in cases of solid drugs. Similarly, C Potencies are prepared by mixing one part of original medicine with 99 parts of Vehicle.

        A Potency prepared in this manner is called 1x or 1c. One part of it is again mixed, according to the given method, with 9 or 99 parts of Vehicle to obtain 2x or 2c- and this process is repeated to give up to 3,4,6,15,30.200,500,1000 and 100000 Potencies. The higher the Potency the greater its dynamic power to cure.

       Ordinarily X is always mentioned against the name of the drug such as ACONITE 30 means ACONITE 30c. 1000 is often mentioned as 1M, 10000 as 10M, 100000 as CM. The original medicine is called Mother Tincture which is indicated by the Greek alphabet Q (theta). As already mentioned, solid mother drugs are mixed with sugar of milk and grinded well in pestile and mortar according to prescribed procedure. This process of grinding is called triturating and the power potencies are called triturations such as ARSENIC 3x TRIT, BARAYTA CARB 6x TRIT, OR CALCAREA PHOS 12x TRIT.


The Materia Medica of Homeopathy is nothing but the proving of the medicines on healthy bodies, i.e., the symptoms which a medicine produces is a healthy body when taken in physiological doses. Therefore, in Homeopathy the name of disease is not at all necessary to select the right medicine. Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, unlike other systems of medicine where diseases are treated. In fact the so called any one disease manifests so many various symptoms that no one medicine can be prescribed for it.
        For ages, we have been accustomed to treat diseases by names. We have also prescribed medicines according to names of diseases but have mentioned different symptoms of different medicines in the same disease. The nomenclature of diseases are according to some prominent part of the effected body or some prominent symptoms. For example, if our lungs are effected and congested, we called it Pneumonia, if there is chill and fever we call it Malaria. If there is pain in the heart we call it Angina, and so on. But it should be clear that even in disease, fr example, in Pneumonia some patients are restless with high fever and great thirst, but other have no thirst and no restlessness but would like to lie silently. Some will not be able to lie on the left side, while others will feel uncomfortable by lying on the right side. In Malaria too there are so many different symptoms varying from patient to patient. Homeopathy depends much on these different symptoms. A patient craves for cold water during fever, the other is thirstless, another feels better by moving about and still another is worse by slightest motion.
       Therefore, to select the right Homeopathic remedy, we have to note the location of the disease, i.e., the part affected, the sensations of the patient and aggravation and amelioration's of the troubles.
       To select the right remedy, therefore, we should carefully note all the symptoms in a patient. We should note what he says as well as what his relatives nursing him, say. We should then find which medicine in the Materia Medica produces all these symptoms,or at least a majority of important symptoms. If we succeed by careful comparison in finding out a similar medicine, the minutest doses of the same will cure the patient.


In homeopathy diseases are Acute or Chronic. Acute diseases or conditions are short and sharp, and the whole body is not necessarily affected. In Chronic conditions the body's vital force gets disturbed to their depths and the disease keeps recurring. Their treatment should be left entirely to the doctor.

     Every chronic disease often begins as an acute one. Acute diseases are of short duration, i.e., they begin and end with in days or weeks, such as chlorea, malaria, fever, cold, catarrh, measles, etc. Chronic diaseases are those whose duration extends to months and years, such as asthama, cancer, T.B., piles, etc.

     In acute diseases symptoms appear, increase and either end in cure or in death. In such diseases medicines are given frequently-even at intervals of 5-10-15 minutes, according to the severity of symptoms. In chronic diseases Homeopathic medicines are often repeated weekly or monthly or even at longer intervals.


In Homeopathy we do not prescribe for a disease or a single symptom but we take into account all the symptoms of the patient. We compare them with the symptoms or characteristics of suggested medicines and and then prescribe one single medicine for the totality of symptoms.
       Symptoms are physical as well as mental. Physical symptoms include temperature, pulse,variations in behavior, excretions from the body like stools, urine, sweat, vomit, phlegm, etc. The time when the disease is aggravated or ameliorated and its exact locations on the bod have to be carefully noted. These should be noted in much detail as possible.
        One should try to build a complete symptom picture of the patient, starting from the head downwards, in a systematic and orderly way.
        Great importance is attached to mental symptoms. These include the patient's appetites, cravings, feelings f anxiety, apathy,anger, etc., his dreams, and also his aversions. One should then compare these symptoms with the characteristics of medicines and select whichever is closest. This should not be done in a hurry.
     It should now be clear that in Homeopathy every patient is treated individually according to the symptoms of his ailments, and if carefully selected remedies are administered in the initial stage, many chronic and serious diseases can be avoided. The remedy thus selected acts upon thee Vital Force and gives it the right guidance. It is tgis Vital Force that eradicates the morbid symptoms in totality and restores the patine to normal health.
      I would like to quote a few instances from my own experience to impress upon the readers the importance of mental symptoms. A female patient about 50 years of age had developed cancer in her breasts and one breast was removed in the hospital. After some times she developed a small tumor in the other breast and came to me for treatment. One of her mental symptom helped me to select the right remedy for her cancer. She was afraid of being alone but at the same time was depressed, felt timid and averse to society. This particular condition indicated CONIUM which was given in 1000 potency and this saved the removed other breast. She has been well for the last 7-8 years. The tumor still exists though reduced to great extent and without any pain whatsoever.
      Another instance of a patient at Ferozpur jail is as follows. It was the beginning of 1945 that a muslim Asst. Superintendent was transferred to this jail from another jail. He consulted me for his bleeding piles. He had become very anaemic and had grown weak and emaciated. I gave him medicine for 3-4 days but there was no relief. He came to me in my cell and pleaded that the Dy. Superintendent was all praise for me and i should pay more attention to his case. He told me that D.I.G Prisons had heavily punished him for a very small act of negligence. He had been demoted from Dy. Superintendent to Asst. Superintendent and that his piles his piles too had aggravated since then. I took the clue and prescribed IGNATIA. This remedy acts wonderfully in ailments which follow grief, disappointment, worry, despair, mental shock or mortification.I need not say that IGNATIA cured the patient not only physically but mentally also.
     Many children become irritable, they want to be carried in the lap and are obstinate, easily angered. A few globules of CHAMOMILLA 6, 12 wonderfully calm such children. This remedy is often called the opium of Homeopathy, ACID PHOS works very well in the ailments disappointment lovers. AURUM (gold subsides thoughts of suicide and disgust for life.
     Once a Member of Parliament consulted me. He said that for the last 3-4 weeks he had been feeling afraid of making any speech in Parliament, though all along he had been a god speaker. This is called stage-fright. A dose of GELSEMIUM 200 totally removed this fright in him.
    One Executive engineer developed a strange sense of anguish and despondency which lasted only for about 2 hours in the morning. He felt he will not be able to work in the office, he will be unable to deal with the files. There was great tension in thee morning but when he went to the office he was quite normal and the same tension returned the next morning. A dose of ARSENICUM ALBUM 1,000 relieved his tension in three days only.


Homeopathic medicines are available in four forms:

Mother Tinctures
Globules and

Mother Tinctures are extracts of original remedies prepared mostly in alcohol. Pillules are made of cane sugar which are then absorbed with a few drops of liquid medicine. These are kept in small bottles are quite easy to handle. Globules are smaller than pillules, and Triturations are in the form of powder or tablets made from powder which contains the medicine triturated with sugar of milk.
     Pillules and globules may be taken dry on tongue or sucked but should not be swallowed. These could also be dissolved in pure water and taken. Triturations should be taken dry on tongue. One should clean his mouth before taking a medicine.
      Ordinarily the dose of a liquid medicine is one drop in an aunce of pure water for an adult, for children 1/2 drop and for babies 1/4 drop. If the medicine is in tritruations, i.e., power form,3-4 grains for adults, 2 for children and 1 grain for babies is quite sufficient. Pills and globules can be prepared of all the liquid medicines. Take a small phial, fill two thirds of it with globules or pills and saturate these pills with few drops of the liquid medicine. Shake well. These globules may be given 1 or 2 to babies, 2 to 3 to children and 4 to 5 to adults.


The dose is repeated according to the severity of the disease. For example, in cholera we can repeat the medicine hourly, half-hourly and even quarter-hourly. In ordinary diseases, doses may be repeated 4 to 6 hours. In chronic ailments, medicines are given once a week or even once a month or so.


This is very ticklish question. There are no prescribed rules for selection of potencies,but ordinarily low potencies such as 3x, 3, 6, 6xor 30 are used in acute diseases, but in chronic diseases high potencies such as 200, 500, 1,000 are used at long intervals. The highest potencies such as 10M, 50M, CM are given in very chronic diseases at intervals f several weeks or even months.


When a paitent begins Homeopathic treatment it in not always neccessary to give him some medicine to antidote the effect of previous medicine. Generally Nux Vom 30 to 200 one dose is said to antidote all other medicinal effects. But only time nutralises the effect of drugs. If the case is not acute and urgent a dose of Nux may be given to start with. 


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