Tuesday, 29 May 2018


Common name: DANDELION 



Part used: Leaves and root 

Constituents and uses: 
One of the most useful diuretic remedies. It is particularly beneficial in fluid retention due to heart problems, as it contains a useful amount of the mineral potassium. This is vital for healthy function of the heart muscle, but is often lost via the urine when diuretic drugs are used. Dandelion leaves, with their natural content of potassium make up the lose automatically. They are also useful for other problem where the kidneys need to be stimulated, such as urinary infections or pre-menstrual fluid 
retention. Take an infusion 3 times daily.

Dandelion root is good liver stimulant. This makes it useful for a wide range of problems. It will improve the appetite and stimulate sluggish digestive functions due to its bitter properties. It helps in problems such as jaundice and gall- bladder disease. It also has a gentle laxative effect and will help the liver's detoxifying functions - using in rheumatism and arthritis, or any other illness were a build-up of waste products is contributing to the problem. The liver is the main organ which has the job of eliminating alien substances, such as artificial additives in the food we eat, or airborne pollution such as chemical fumes. Dandelion root will help support the health of people who are particularly susceptible to these substances.

Common name: DEVIL'S CLAW



Part use: Tuber (underground stem)

Constituents and: used in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and fibrositis, this plant contains glycosides which have an anti- inflammatory and possibly detoxifying action. It may help as mild analgesic to relieve the pain of muscular and arthritic inflammation.
It should be taken as a decoction, 3 times daily, and is most likely to help when combined with other anti- arthritic and detoxifying remedies.

Common name: DOCK, YELLOW

Botanical name: RUMEX CRISPUS


Part used: root

Constituents and uses: This plant acts on the liver and intestines. It is useful for skin problems where the eliminative and detoxifying functions of the body need stipulation, such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. It contains bitters and laxative glycosides which stimulate muscular activity in the intestines. This, however, is reduced by the astringent action of tannins in the plant, so it has a gentle rather than serve action.it can also be used for liver and gall- bladder disease.
A decoction should be taken 3 times daily.


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